NEWS HD SPORTS #SEAGames2021 News 042 | Kurash Athletes Tested at the Asian Champiionships SPORTYNEWSS

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The 2022 Asian Kurash Championships was held at the Universal Sports Complex in Dushanbe, Tajikistan from March 17 to 21. 
129 athletes from 16 countries participated at this Asian Championships that featured 15 events - 7 for the men's division and 8 for the women's division.
The three Southeast Asian countries that participated in this competition were Indonesia, Thailand and the 31st SEA Games host Vietnam.
Two athletes represented Indonesia while Thailand competed with 11 athletes and Vietnam with 10 athletes.  

Vietnam collected 4 medals in this tournament while Thailand won 3 medals and Indonesia got one medal. The competition was also a good test for athletes that will compete in Vietnam this month of May.
At the coming 31st Southeast Asian Games, the sport Kurash will feature ten (10) events - five weight classes for both genders.

In the last SEA Games in the Philippines, kurash was dominated by Vietnam bagging 7 gold medals out of the ten events contested.
Meanwhile, here are the results of the competition in Tajikistan.


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